| 1. | There is no reform which some great soul has not dreamed of centuries ago . 没有哪一种改革不是早在几个世纪以前就有伟大的心灵憧憬过的。 |
| 2. | You are not dreaming of it , are you “你不是作梦吧,是不是? ” |
| 3. | Of sun - split clouds - and done a hundred things you have not dreamed of - wheeled and soared and swung 并作出百样你连造梦也没想过的事 |
| 4. | They would not dream of proposing such legislation for guns that fire real bullets 然而,他们连做梦也不会想到要立法制约能发射真子弹的枪支。 |
| 5. | And you will not dream of separation and sorrow to - night ; but of happy love and blissful union “明天除了欢乐的爱和幸福的结合,你再也不会梦见分离和悲伤了。 ” |
| 6. | " the player who says that he does not dream of playing for real madrid is a liar , " alves told marca “对任何一个球员来说,没有梦想过为皇马踢球是不可能的, ”阿尔维斯对马卡报说。 |
| 7. | She did not dream of the volcanic convulsions of love , its scorching heat and sterile wastes of parched ashes 她从未梦想过火山爆发大地抽搐式的爱情,从未想到过它的熊熊烈焰,它的破坏作用,它能烧成一片片焦土。 |
| 8. | Someone who thinks nothing of dropping his hamburger wrapping in a city park would not dream of littering his next - door neighbour ' s living room 再比如,在市内公园里乱扔汉堡包包装纸的人,却万万不敢弄脏邻居家的客厅。 |
| 9. | In the middle of a phrase , prince andrey ceased speaking , and felt suddenly a lump in his throat from tears , the possibility of which he had not dreamed of in himself 当她唱到一个短句的半中间,安德烈公爵不再作声了,忽然感觉到泪水涌上了他的喉头,他先前从来就不知道怎么会热泪盈眶。 |
| 10. | Antidotes had been given in time , and now she was out of danger ; but she was still so weak , that they could not dream of moving her to the country , and the countess had been sent for 及时地采取了必要的解毒措施,所以她现今脱了危险但是她的身体还很衰弱,根本不能考虑送她去农村的问题,业已着人去接伯爵夫人。 |